There are different people on your team list.
Create a list and register them on AppleDevSite as a developer, create your project list to upload (i.e. StarRD.txt) in your porta;
FirstName LastName Email
Joe Doe
There are developer certificates for each team member.
Once each of your team members has created a Certificate Signing Request (i.e. EnriqueEscobar.CertSigningRequest) you may submit uploading at AppleDevCenter.
There is an app ID to provide as com.domain.YourAppID.
There is a provisioning to set. You will need:
- ProfileName
- Certificate (a list of registered developers)
- AppID
- Device (list of device to register)
There is to validate the developer certificate once your portal admin has accepted you.
Retrieve and install in your own OSX machine the AppleDeveloperCertificate (AppleWWDRCA.cer) and your certificate (developer_identity.cer), you may download it at AppleDevSite.
There is a mobileprovision to deploy.
There are different configurations:
There is a configuration to manage in XCode for your your ProjectName:
- Right click and choose GetInfo dialog ( or command I)
- Select tab Configuration
- On list of configurations choose Release and select the option Duplicate
- Give a name to this configuration (i.e. Distribution)
- Close window
- Right click and choose GetInfo dialog
- Select Build tab
- Choose Distribution from Configuration drop-down
- In the Architectures section in the list of settings, choose a Base SDK (e.g. Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1)
- From the Code Signing Section, under Code Signing Identity, choose the appropriate profile (e.g. Ad Hoc or Distribution Profile)
- Select Properties tab
- Set Executable name (e.g. theAstrologerFree). There is a default value here: ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} which will also work for most projects
- Set Identifier to com.domain.application-name (e.g. com.3SixtySoftware.theAstrologerFree). There is a default value here: com.your company.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier} which you may work for your project. If you run into errors or conflicts with other applications try replacing ${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier} with a unique string that represents your application name
- Set Icon File to Icon.png
- Make sure you have an icon that is 57x57 pixels, with the name Icon.png in the project
- Set Version # (e.g. 1.1)
- Close the window
There are an Active Configuration to set:
- Select the Debug workspace button
- From the drop-down (upper left) choose:
• Choose the Device Setting you plan to target under Active SDK (e.g. Device - iPhone OS 2.2.1)
• Choose Distribution as the Active Configuration - Select the Project workspace button (the button to the left of Debug)
- If creating an Ad Hoc Distribution:
• Create new file (Command N), select Code Signing, choose Entitlements, click Next
• Name the file Entitlements.plist
• Uncheck the get-task-allow button
• Save file
• Make sure the file is at the root of project hierarchy (e.g. drag the file just below the Project name)
• Select the Target
• Right click and choose Get Info dialog
• Select Build tab
• Fill in the Code Signing Entitlements with Entitlements.plist
- Select the Target
- Right click and choose Get Info dialog
- Select Properties tab
- Note the Executable name (e.g. theAstrologerFree)
- Select Build tab
• Scroll down to Packaging
• Verify (or input) the Product Name to match the Executable name from above - Close the window
There are different *.plist foreach configuration to verify:

- Check the Info.plist in the resources folder
- Check the following:
• Bundle Display Name - this is the text that will appear on the iPhone Home screen under the icon
• Executable name - this should match what youʼve entered in the Properties settings
• Icon must be set to Icon.png
• Bundle Identifier - for example com.3SixtySoftware.theAstrologerFree
• Bundle version - for example 1.1
For each configuration you have a Certificate *.cer and an ID *.p12 (it starts with iPhone):

There are different certificates for different users:

There is a Clean and Build to do:
- From the Build menu choose choose Clean All Targets
- From the Build menu choose Build (Command B)
We always read the manual.
Set a environment variable ROOTDRIVE='C:'