
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant

SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA)

The SSMA blog annouces the new version 5.3.

MySQL (SSMA for MySQL Client)

The SSMA for MySQL client consists of the program files that perform the following tasks:
  • Connect to a MySQL database.
  • Connect to an instance of SQL Server or SQL Azure.
  • Convert the MySQL database objects to the SQL Server or SQL Azure objects.
  • Load the objects into SQL Server or SQL Azure.
  • Migrate data to SQL Server or SQL Azure.


SSMA for MySQL is designed to work with MySQL 4.1 or later versions and all editions of SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server “Denali” and SQL Azure.
Before you install SSMA, make sure that the computer meets the following requirements:
  • Windows XP SP2 or later versions, or Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later versions.
  • WinZip, or a similar utility, to extract files from a Zip file.
  • Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or a later version.
  • The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or a later version. The .NET Framework version 2.0 is available on the SQL Server product media. You can also obtain it from the .NET Framework Developer Center
  • MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver and connectivity to the MySQL databases that you want to migrate. You can install the MySQL from the MySQL Web site
  • Connectivity to the instance of SQL Server / SQL Azure where you will be migrating database objects and data
  • In case of SQL Azure projects, Connectivity to the instance of SQL Azure where you will be migrating database objects and data.
  • 1 GB RAM recommended.

Installing SSMA for MySQL Client

SSMA is a Web download. To download the latest version, see the SQL Server Migration Tools product page
After you download the latest version, you must extract the installation files before you can install SSMA.
To install the SSMA client
  1. Extract all files from the SSMA compressed file
    If you are using WinZip, depending on the version that you have, you can either double-click the file, or right-click the file and select Extract All or Open in WinZip. Follow the instructions in the WinZip user interface to extract the files. If you are using another extraction utility, follow the directions for that utility.
  2. Double-click SSMA for MySQL n.Install.exe, where n is the build number.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.
    If you do not have the prerequisites installed, a message will appear indicating that you must first install the required components. Make sure that you have installed all the prerequisites before running the installation program again.
  4. Read the End User License Agreement. If you agree, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
  5. Read the Usage Report Settings page, select or clear the feature reporting box, and then click Next.
  6. On the Choose Setup Type page, click Typical.
  7. Click Install.
  1. SSMA for MySQL v5.1 product can be installed side by side (SxS) with older versions of SSMA Product (versions prior to SSMA for MySQL v5.0. SSMA for MySQL v5.0 has to be uninstalled before installing SSMA for MySQL v5.1).
  2. You can install the SSMA for MySQL v5.1 product successfully even though if there are any earlier versions of product already installed (SSMA for MySQL 2005 v4.2 or earlier/SSMA for MySQL 2008 v4.2 or earlier).
  3. Each of these SxS products can be uninstalled separately and are independent of each other.

The default installation location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL.
On 64-bit Windows machine the product is installed in C:\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL.

Licensing SSMA

To use SSMA, you must download a registration key. To help you with the registration process, a License Key Required dialog box opens the first time that you start the SSMA program. Use the following instructions to download a license key and associate the key with SSMA.
To license SSMA
  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL, and then select Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL.
  2. In the License Management dialog box, click the license registration page link.
  3. On the Sign In Web page, enter your Windows Live ID user name and password, and click Sign In.
    A Windows Live ID is a Hotmail e-mail address, MSN e-mail address, or Microsoft Passport account. If you do not have one of these accounts, you will have to create a new account. To create a new account, click the Sign up now button.
  4. On the SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL License Registration Web page, fill in at least the required fields, which are marked with a red asterisk, and then click Finish.
  5. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
  6. In the Save As dialog box, locate the folder that is shown in the License Management dialog box, and then click Save.
    The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant\MySQL.
  7. In the License Management dialog box, click Refresh License.


      MS Visual Studio


      Install any version including the Express Edition.

      Service Pack

      Install the SP1.


      Install the WebInstaller platform.


      Check their web site.
      Install the runtime.
      Install the SDK.
      Install the Windows SDK.
      Install the Code Metrics.
      Install the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 Version 7.1.
      Install FxCop 10.0 executing %Program Files%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\FXCop\FxCopSetup.exe

      Windows Phone 7

      Check their site.
      Install the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 beta 2.
      Install the Windows Phone Developer Tools 7.
      Install the Windows Phone Developer Tools 7 update.
      Install the Windows Phone Developer Tools 7 fix.
      Install the Windows Phone Developer Tools 7 XNA Game Studio 4.0.

      Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7

      Check their site.
      Install the Silverlight Toolkit.
      Install the Windows Identity Foundation Runtime.
      Install the Visual Basic for Windows Phone Developer Tool RTW.


      Check their site.
      Read the README file.
      Install the Kinect for Windows SDK.
      Install the Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit.
      Install the Kinect for Windows Runtime.
      Install the MS XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0.
      Install the Kinect for Windows Language pack.
      Install the Windows Speech Platform Runtime 10.2.
      Install the Windows Speech Platform SDK 10.2.
      Install the Kinect for Windows Language Pack 0.9.
      Install the Kinect Services for Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R3.
      Download the Kinect Programming Guide.

      Expression Blend

      Check their site.


      Check their site.


      Check their site.

      Column limit

      Visual Studio 2010 and 2012
      1. Install Paul Harrington's Editor Guidelines extension for VS 2010 or VS 2012.
      2. Open the registry at:
        VS 2008: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Text Editor  VS 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Text Editor
        VS 2012: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Text Editor
        VS 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Text Editor
        and add a new string called Guides with the value RGB(100,100,100), 100. The first part specifies the color, while the other one (80) is the column the line will be displayed.


      About SFU Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5

      You can download and install it from their site.

      Subsystem for Unix-based Applications and Services for Unix (SFU/ SUA/ Interix Community)

      You can download and install it from their site.

      SUA 5.2 x64 (Windows 2003R2 x64)

      SUA 6.0 x64 (Windows Vista/2008 x64)

      SUA 6.1 x64 (Windows 7/2008R2 x64)

      Debian port

      About Interix




      Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 (3.5)
      • 2004-01 SFU 3.5 en,ja for WinNT 5.0,5.1,5.2 i386
      Windows Server 2003 R2 (all editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (5.2)
      • 2005-12-06 WinNT 5.2 R2
      Windows Vista (Ultimate and Enterprise editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (6.0)
      • 2006-11-08 WinNT 6.0 (2007-01-30)
      Windows Server 2008 (all editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (6.0)
      • 2008-02-04 WinNT 6.0
      Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications in Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (6.1)
      • 2010-03-11 WinNT 6.1
      How to install

      Installing Interix Subsystem, Base Utilities and SDK from the Command Line

      Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0 uses Microsoft Installer for installation. As a result, you can install individual modules of the product from the command line. If previous components of Windows Services for UNIX have been installed, you must include these components in the addlocal parameter of the installation command line, separated by a comma (,). If you do not do so, these products are removed during the installation of Interix. If you install Interix SDK automatically, the Interix subsystem and the base utilities are automatically included in the installation.

      To install Interix from the command line:
      1. Log onto the Windows computer with an administrative level account.
      2. Open a command window. Click Start, click Run, type in cmd and click OK.
      3. Insert the Services for UNIX version 3.0 CD into the CD drive. (Drive D: for this example.)
      4. You can install various combinations of the Interix subsystem and interix SDX. These include:
        • From the command prompt, to install the Interix Subsystem and Base Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="BaseUtils" [targetdir="install path"]
        • To install Base Utilities and the GNU Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUUtils" \ [targetdir="install path"]
        • To install Base Utilities, UNIX Perl and GNU Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUUtils,UNIXPerl" \ [targetdir="install path"]
        • To install the Interix SDK, including Base Utilitiesmsiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="InterixSDK" [targetdir="install path"]
      5. To install the GNU SDK and GNU Utilities (includes Interix SDK and Base Utilities): msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUSDKSDK,GNUUtils " \ [targetdir="install path"] 
      6. Default install path is "\SFU".Note:Services for UNIX should be installed in a directory without spaces in the path to prevent problems with some components of SFU. Microsoft recommends that you install SFU to the default directory.
      7. To include the Product Key as part of the command line, add pidkey="key" where "key" is the 25 character product key, without dashes. Note: If you are installing the base utilities with the /qb option, you will be required to choose whether you want to enable setuid behavior for Interix programs. (If you are using the /q option, setuid behavior will be disabled by default.) The choice you make will affect both system security and how certain Interix programs behave.

        According to the POSIX standard, a file has permissions that include bits to set a UID (setuid) and set a GID (setgid) when the file is executed. If either or both bits are set on a file, and a process executes that file, the process gains the UID or GID of the file. When used carefully, this mechanism allows a nonprivileged user to execute programs that run with the higher privileges of the file's owner or group. When used incorrectly, however, this can present security risks by allowing nonprivileged users to perform actions that should only be performed by an administrator. For this reason, Windows Services for UNIX Setup does not enable support for this mechanism by default.

        You should enable support for setuid behavior only if you are sure you will be running programs that require support for this behavior. Even if you do not enable support for setuid behavior when installing Windows Services for UNIX, you can enable it later.
      8. A reboot will be required. Note: If installing from a telnet prompt, where no GUI is available, or via a script, modify the command line by changing the /qb to /q. This will install without any user interaction at all. By default the setuid behavior will be disabled. See the install.htm on the Services for UNIX CD.

        Note: The addlocal parameter to msiexec show above is case and space sensitive. Installation will fail if the exact case above is not followed.

        Note: These options may also be installed from the Installation Wizard by selecting a custom installation.


      About EnableSuToRoot registry key for SUA

      User Account Control is enabled by default. When User Account Control is enabled, any application or task that impersonates another user who is a member of the Administrators group (by using the su, cron, or login utilities, setuid, any of the setuid or exec_asuser family of calls, as examples) always runs in the security context of a standard user account.
      When an application impersonates a standard user, it will have the complete security context of a standard user. For more information about standard users, see the Microsoft Web site topic "Developer Best Practices and Guidelines for Applications in a Least Privileged Environment," Introduction section (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70243).
      With default settings, an application cannot impersonate the root user. You can control this behavior by modifying the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SUA\EnableSuToRoot.

      How to modify the EnableSuToRoot registry key

      The Administrator account is disabled by default in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to help protect computers and data from access by unauthorized or malicious users, and it must be enabled for users to impersonate the root user or Administrator. Because the Administrator account must first be enabled to change the setting of the EnableSuToRoot registry key, the procedure to complete this task immediately follows. You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to complete the following procedure.

      To enable the Administrator account

      1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.
      2. In the hierarchy pane of the Computer Management snap-in, open Local Users and Groups.
      3. Select Users.
      4. In the results pane, right-click Administrator, and then click Properties.
      5. Clear the check box for the Account is disabled option.
      6. Click OK.
      7. Close the Properties window, and then close the Computer Management snap-in.
      Perform the following steps to change the setting of the EnableSuToRoot registry key after you install Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications.

      To change the setting of the EnableSuToRoot registry key

      1. Click Start, click in the Start Search text box, and type regedit to open Registry Editor.
      2. In the hierarchy pane, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SUA.
      3. In the results pane, double-click EnableSuToRoot.
      4. In the Value data box, enter 0 to disallow impersonation of the root user, or 1 to allow it.
        The default setting is 0.
      5. Click OK.
      6. Close Registry Editor; if prompted, save your changes.

      When the value of this key is set to 0 (the default setting), impersonation of the root user is disallowed. When the value is set to 1, impersonation of the root user is allowed. When an application impersonates the root user or Administrator account, the application has the administrative security context of the root (Administrator) user.

      Setuid and Administrative Privilege

      If users who are members of the Administrators group attempt to mark applications with the setuid attribute, they would succeed only if they are allowed to run applications and perform tasks in an administrative security context.
      The following is an example of how to mark the binary file /bin/regpwd, which is typically marked with the setuid attribute:
      1. Open a Korn shell (ksh) with elevated privilege as described in this topic.

      2. Type chmod +s /bin/regpwd and then press ENTER.

      3. Type exit to close the ksh session.

      Modify the number of connections

      Better to modify in order to allow other connection and virtualization of other machines as:


      About Text Editors

      Graphical Vim

      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.
      set NOTEPADPP_PATH=D:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe

      7Edit (HL7 editor)

      Download and install it from their site.


      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.


      Download and install from their site.

      YAML for .NET

      Download and install from their site.

      About Code Comparison

      Code Compare 2

      Download and install it from the site.

      P4 Merge

      Please refer to http://www.perforce.com/perforce/products/merge.html

      KDiff 3

      Download and install from their site.

      About Time Tracker

      Grindstone 2

      You may try to download and install it from their site.


      About Windows Services for UNIX SFU or Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications SUA

      Windows Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications

      It runs on Windows 2000, 2000 Service Pack 3, 2000 Service Pack 4, Server 2003 & Windows XP.
      Download from its site.
      When installed on C:\ it creates automatically the following environment variables:
      set SFUDIR=C:\SFU\
      set INTERIX_ROOT=/dev/fs/C/SFU/
      set OPENNT_ROOT=/dev/fs/C/SFU/
      set SFUDIR_INTERIX=/dev/fs/C/SFU/
      set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib
      set XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
      set XCMSDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Xcms.txt
      set XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
      set XNLSPATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale


      About Case sensitivity & security for SUA Programs

      When installing Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications, you might want to choose whether to change the default behavior of object names such as file names to being case sensitive. The choice you make will affect system security as well as how Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications functions.
      In Windows, the names of most objects (such as files and directories) are case preserving, but case insensitive. That means you can use uppercase and lowercase characters when naming such objects, but Windows does not distinguish between names based on case alone. For example, you cannot have two files in the same directory named sample.txt and Sample.txt because Windows regards the names to be identical for the purposes of identifying files. The UNIX operating system, on the other hand, is fully case sensitive, and so UNIX computers distinguish between object names when the only difference between those names is the case of characters used in the object names. On most UNIX computers, therefore, sample.txt and Sample.txt could appear in the same directory, and the UNIX computer would distinguish between them when performing operations on the files. For example, the command rm S*.txt would delete Sample.txt but not sample.txt.
      In order to implement typical UNIX behavior, the SUA subsystem is normally case sensitive when working with file names. This can present security issues, particularly for Windows users who are accustomed to the case-insensitive conventions of Windows. For example, a Trojan horse version of edit.exe named EDIT.EXE could be stored in the same directory as edit.exe. If a user were to type edit at a Windows command prompt, the Trojan horse version (EDIT.EXE) could be executed instead of the standard version. If case sensitivity is enabled, Windows users should be made aware of this possibility.
      In Windows Server 2003, the default behavior of subsystems other than the Win32 subsystem is to be case preserving but case insensitive; in previous versions of Windows, such subsystems were fully case sensitive by default. In order to support standard UNIX behavior, you have to do the following to enable Case sensitivity.
      Warning If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
      To enable Case-Sensitivity:
          click Start -> Run. type regedit.
          traverse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel
          Double Click on obcaseinsensitive -> Set the value to 0.
      To disable Case-Sensitivity:
          click Start -> Run. type regedit.
          traverse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel
          Double Click on obcaseinsensitive -> Set the value to 1.
      •     you need administrator privileges to do this.
      •     You will have to restart the machine for this setting to take effect.

      About setuid behavior for (chown & chmod) SUA programs

      According to the POSIX standard, a file has permissions that include bits to set a UID (setuid) and set a GID (setgid) when the file is executed. If either or both bits are set on a file, and a process executes that file, the process gains the UID or GID of the file. When used carefully, this mechanism allows a nonprivileged user to execute programs that run with the higher privileges of the file's owner or group. When used incorrectly, however, this can present security risks by allowing nonprivileged users to perform actions that should only be performed by an administrator. For this reason, Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications Setup does not enable support for this mechanism by default.
      You should enable support for setuid behavior only if you are sure you will be running programs that require support for this behavior. Even if you do not enable support for setuid behavior when installing Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications, you can enable it later.
      Warning If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
      To enable Setuid:
          click Start -> Run. type regedit.
          traverse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SUA
          Double Click on EnableSetuidBinaries -> Set the value to 1.
      To disable Setuid:
          click Start -> Run. type regedit.
          traverse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SUA
          Double Click on EnableSetuidBinaries -> Set the value to 0.
      •     you need administrator privileges to do this.
      •     You will have to restart the machine for this setting to take effect.
      •     This is deprecated for the current release, since this has a security impact.

      About Console2


      Refer to their web site.

      Environment Variables

      You can add to PATH the installation path using CONSOLE_PATH:
      set CONSOLE_PATH=D:\Console2\

      About EverNote


      Refer to their web site.


      Just install from AppStore.


      About DropBox


      Read, download and install from their site.

      Environment Variables

      Under non Windows:
      export DROPBOXDRIVE=$HOME/Dropbox

      Under Windows and Cygwin:
      set DROPBOXDRIVE=%HOME%\Dropbox


      Just install from AppStore.


      Under Fedora, optimize Dropbox you need gtk, glib, nautilus & libnotify:
      &] rpm -qa | grep gtk ; yum list | grep gtk #install if is not present
      &] rpm -qa | grep glib ; yum list | grep glib #install if is not present
      &] rpm -qa | grep nautilus ; yum list | grep nautilus #install if is not present
      &] rpm -qa | grep libnotify ; yum list | grep libnotify #install if is not present
      &] wget  https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/nautilus-dropbox-0.6.2-1.fedora.i386.rpm
      &] sudo rpm -i nautilus-dropbox-0.6.2-1.fedora.i386.rpm

      Under Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Debian, optimize with Dropbox you need gtk, glib, nautilus & libnotify.

      Windows and Cygwin

      Just install the auto-installer.


      About Security

      Anti-theft security

      I found a good solution for laptops called PreyProject.

      Hard Drive Security

      I have found a good solution for Hard Drives called BitLocker.


      About Python

      On Windows

      Always read the open source project site.
      Use the following environment variables:


      About perl

      On Windows

      Is preferred to use the open source project Strawberry.
      Download and run the installer.
      You can refer to their wiki.

      Set the environment variables first:
      -VISUAL (i.e. D:\GNU\Notepad++\notepad++.exe)

      On other than Windows

      Set the environment variables first:

      Use CPAN

      Update CPAN in CPAN:
      cpan> install CPAN
      cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
      cpan> q

      Install PPM using CPAN:
      cpan> d /ppm/
      Choose and go.

      Add you corresponding repositories on PPM as:
      set repository MSWin32x86 http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x86/5.12/1200/
      set repository UWinniePack12xx http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/PPMPackages/12xx/
      set repository TrouchellePPM12 http://trouchelle.com/ppm12/
      set repository WxPerl http://www.wxperl.co.uk/repository/
      set repository Bribes http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/
      set repository BioPerlDist http://bioperl.org/DIST
      set repository BioPerlRC http://bioperl.org/DIST/RC
      set repository tcool http://ppm.tcool.org/archives/
      set repository GtkPerl http://gtk2-perl.sourceforge.net/win32/ppm/

      Add your CPAN modules as:

      install Captcha::reCAPTCHA
      install Class::Accessor
      install Class::Autouse
      install Class::Data::Inheritable
      install Class::Trigger
      install Compress::Zlib
      install Convert::Binary::C
      install Crypt::DH

      install DBD::mysql

      install DBI

      install DB_File

      install Data::Stag
      install Data::Stag::XMLWriter

      install DateTime

      install Digest::HMAC_SHA1
      install Digest::MD5
      install Digest::SHA1
      install File::Temp

      install GD
      install GD::Graph
      install GTop
      install GnuPG::Interface

      install Graph
      install Graph::Directed

      install HTML::Entities
      install HTML::Parser
      install HTML::Tagset
      install HTML::Template
      install HTTP::Request::Common

      install IO::String
      install IO::WrapTie
      install IP::Country::Fast
      install Image::Magick
      install Image::Size
      install LWP::Simple
      install LWP::UserAgent
      install List::MoreUtils
      install MIME::Lite
      install MIME::Words
      install Mail::Address
      install Mail::GnuPG
      install Math::BigInt::GMP
      install Net::DNS
      install Proc::ProcessTable
      install RPC::XML
      install SOAP::Lite
      install SVG
      install Set::Scalar
      install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

      install Statistics::Frequency
      install Storable
      install String::CRC32
      install Text::Shellwords
      install Text::Wrap
      install Text::vCard

      install URI::Fetch
      install URI::URL

      install Unicode::CheckUTF8
      install Unicode::MapUTF8

      install XML::Atom
      install XML::DOM
      install XML::DOM::XPath
      install XML::LibXML
      install XML::Parser
      install XML::Parser::PerlSAX
      install XML::RSS
      install XML::SAX
      install XML::SAX::Base
      install XML::SAX::Writer
      install XML::Simple
      install XML::Twig
      install XML::Writer


      Follow their wiki.

      Install dependencies as:

      install Ace
      install Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene


      About Bash

      Bash loads different files located in your home directory

      Cygwin Setup

      You can do the setup using config files.

      Your home directory should contain three initialization files that control the behavior of bash:


      The Cygwin base installation creates stub files when you start bash for the first time.

      .profile (other names are valid, see the bash man page) contains bash commands, executed when bash is started as login shell, e.g. from the command bash --login.
      This is a useful place to define and export environment variables and bash functions that will be used by bash and the programs invoked by bash. It is a good place to redefine PATH if needed. We recommend adding a ":." to the end of PATH to also search the current working directory (contrary to DOS, the local directory is not searched by default). Also to avoid delays you should either unset MAILCHECK or define MAILPATH to point to your existing mail inbox.

      .bashrc is similar but is executed each time an interactive bash shell is launched. It serves to define elements that are not inherited through the environment, such as aliases. If you do not use login shells, you may want to put the contents of .profile as discussed above in this file instead.

      For example, shopt -s nocaseglob, will allow bash to glob filenames in a case-insensitive manner. Note that .bashrc is not called automatically for login shells, you may want to source it inside the .profile file.

      .inputrc controls how programs using the readline library (including bash) behave. It is loaded automatically. For full details see the Function and Variable Index section of the GNU readline manual. Consider the following settings:
      # Ignore case while completing
      set completion-ignore-case on
      # Make Bash 8bit clean
      set meta-flag on
      set convert-meta off
      set output-meta on
      The first command makes filename completion case insensitive (can be convenient in a Windows environment). The next three commands allow bash to display 8-bit characters (useful for languages with accented characters). Note that tools that do not use readline for display, such as less and ls, require additional settings, which could be put in your .bashrc:
      alias less='/bin/less -r'
      alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'


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