
About SFU Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5

You can download and install it from their site.

Subsystem for Unix-based Applications and Services for Unix (SFU/ SUA/ Interix Community)

You can download and install it from their site.

SUA 5.2 x64 (Windows 2003R2 x64)

SUA 6.0 x64 (Windows Vista/2008 x64)

SUA 6.1 x64 (Windows 7/2008R2 x64)

Debian port

About Interix




Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 (3.5)
  • 2004-01 SFU 3.5 en,ja for WinNT 5.0,5.1,5.2 i386
Windows Server 2003 R2 (all editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (5.2)
  • 2005-12-06 WinNT 5.2 R2
Windows Vista (Ultimate and Enterprise editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (6.0)
  • 2006-11-08 WinNT 6.0 (2007-01-30)
Windows Server 2008 (all editions) Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (6.0)
  • 2008-02-04 WinNT 6.0
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications in Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (6.1)
  • 2010-03-11 WinNT 6.1
How to install

Installing Interix Subsystem, Base Utilities and SDK from the Command Line

Windows Services for UNIX version 3.0 uses Microsoft Installer for installation. As a result, you can install individual modules of the product from the command line. If previous components of Windows Services for UNIX have been installed, you must include these components in the addlocal parameter of the installation command line, separated by a comma (,). If you do not do so, these products are removed during the installation of Interix. If you install Interix SDK automatically, the Interix subsystem and the base utilities are automatically included in the installation.

To install Interix from the command line:
  1. Log onto the Windows computer with an administrative level account.
  2. Open a command window. Click Start, click Run, type in cmd and click OK.
  3. Insert the Services for UNIX version 3.0 CD into the CD drive. (Drive D: for this example.)
  4. You can install various combinations of the Interix subsystem and interix SDX. These include:
    • From the command prompt, to install the Interix Subsystem and Base Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="BaseUtils" [targetdir="install path"]
    • To install Base Utilities and the GNU Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUUtils" \ [targetdir="install path"]
    • To install Base Utilities, UNIX Perl and GNU Utilities: msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUUtils,UNIXPerl" \ [targetdir="install path"]
    • To install the Interix SDK, including Base Utilitiesmsiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="InterixSDK" [targetdir="install path"]
  5. To install the GNU SDK and GNU Utilities (includes Interix SDK and Base Utilities): msiexec /I D:\sfusetup.msi /qb addlocal="GNUSDKSDK,GNUUtils " \ [targetdir="install path"] 
  6. Default install path is "\SFU".Note:Services for UNIX should be installed in a directory without spaces in the path to prevent problems with some components of SFU. Microsoft recommends that you install SFU to the default directory.
  7. To include the Product Key as part of the command line, add pidkey="key" where "key" is the 25 character product key, without dashes. Note: If you are installing the base utilities with the /qb option, you will be required to choose whether you want to enable setuid behavior for Interix programs. (If you are using the /q option, setuid behavior will be disabled by default.) The choice you make will affect both system security and how certain Interix programs behave.

    According to the POSIX standard, a file has permissions that include bits to set a UID (setuid) and set a GID (setgid) when the file is executed. If either or both bits are set on a file, and a process executes that file, the process gains the UID or GID of the file. When used carefully, this mechanism allows a nonprivileged user to execute programs that run with the higher privileges of the file's owner or group. When used incorrectly, however, this can present security risks by allowing nonprivileged users to perform actions that should only be performed by an administrator. For this reason, Windows Services for UNIX Setup does not enable support for this mechanism by default.

    You should enable support for setuid behavior only if you are sure you will be running programs that require support for this behavior. Even if you do not enable support for setuid behavior when installing Windows Services for UNIX, you can enable it later.
  8. A reboot will be required. Note: If installing from a telnet prompt, where no GUI is available, or via a script, modify the command line by changing the /qb to /q. This will install without any user interaction at all. By default the setuid behavior will be disabled. See the install.htm on the Services for UNIX CD.

    Note: The addlocal parameter to msiexec show above is case and space sensitive. Installation will fail if the exact case above is not followed.

    Note: These options may also be installed from the Installation Wizard by selecting a custom installation.


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