R for All
Choose the last universal tar.gz file.
R for Windows
Choose the last installable file.
We can use R in the CommandPrompt if we add Path=Path;%R_PATH%
RDCOMServer: Look for other software and install R(D)COM Interface as DCOMServer usig R\DCOMServer and the variable RDCOM_PATH=D:\GNU\R\DCOMServer\bin. But you need rscproxyand rcom installed on R.
RExcel: Look for this link.
R for MacOS X
Choose the last dmg file.
R for Ubuntu
Choose the last binary file in /bin/linux/ubuntu or
&] sudo apt-get -y install r-*
R for fedora
Choose the last rpm file in /bin/linux/redhat/fedora1*/{i386,x86_64,src) or
&] sudo yum -y install R-*
RStudio (R multiform IDE)
Choose the last version of R to install in your machine (multiple version are allowed) and install IDE from their site.
GGobi for R
iPlots for R
iPlots eXtreme for R
ReShape for R
Plyr for R
R-commander from R
Read the documentation.
You can choose your packages to install from repository or to do it directly from R CMD
&] sudo R
&] install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE)
] install.packages(c("car","MASS","nnet","XLConnect"))
Bioconductor from R
Read the documentation.
You can choose your packages to install from repository or to do it directly from R CMD
&] sudo R
> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ; biocLite()
> source("http://bioconductor.org/getBioC.R") ; getBioC()
R Environment Variable
At the end:
Windows R(D)COM interface for R using CSharp
Read the documentation.
RPy interface for R
Read the documentation.
&] sudo yum install rpy.i686 #in fedora
The steps are:
Check that you have built R with the configure option '--enable-R-shlib' to make R as a shared library
&]cd $R_HOME
&]make distclean
&]./configure --enable-R-shlib
&] make install
- make a link to RHOME/bin/libR.so in /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib, then run 'ldconfig'
- or put the following line in your .bashrc (or equivalent) &] export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:RHOME/bin
- or edit the file /etc/ld.so.conf and add the following line RHOME/bin, then run 'ldconfig'.
- &] python setup.py install
RPy2 interface for R
Read the documentation.
The steps are:
- &] easy_install rpy2
- &] tar -zxf rpy2_package.tar.gz
- &] cd rpy2_package
- &] python setup.py install
import rpy2.tests import unittest # the verbosity level can be increased if needed tr = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 1) suite = rpy2.tests.suite() tr.run(suite)
RSPython interface for R
Read the documentation.
The steps:
- &] sudo cp ~/Downloads/RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz /opt ; cd /opt
- &] sudo chmod -R +x RS*
- &] sudo R CMD INSTALL -c RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz
RSPerl interface for R
The steps:
- &] sudo cp ~/Downloads/RSPerl_0.92-1.tar.gz /opt ; cd /opt
- &] sudo chmod -R +x RS*
- &] sudo R CMD INSTALL -c -l
--configure-args='--with-in-perl' RSPerl_0.92-1.tar.gz # -l is option for PERL5LIB
You can try another mirror to fetch the file.
Read the documentation.
In R, sudo R
> install.packages(Rserve)
RRuby interface for R
You can try another mirror to fetch the file.
Read the documentation.
&] sudo gen install rinruby
RinRuby interface for R
You can try another mirror to fetch the file.
Read the documentation.
RSRuby interface for R
You can try another mirror to fetch the file.
Read the documentation.
First option:
- &] sudo cp ~/Downloads/rsruby*{gem,tgz} /opt ; cd /opt
- &] sudo chmod -R +x rs*
- &] sudo gem install rsruby- --with-R-dir=$R_HOME
- &] sudo tar -zxf rsruby-0.5.tgz
- &] sudo chmod -R +x rs*
- &] cd rsruby
- &] ruby setup.rb config -- --with-R-dir=$R_HOME
- &] ruby setup.rb setup
- &] ruby setup.rb test
- &] sudo ruby setup.rb install
Note that you’ll need to set the R_HOME and RHOME environment variable prior to installation.
On MacOX, RHOME=R_HOME=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources.
On Ubuntu, when installed from source, RHOME=R_HOME=/usr/local/lib/R. It is useful to just drop this into /etc/environment so that this variable is set upon login.
Otherwise update /etc/bash_profile .
&] export R_HOME=/path/to/R/for/your/OS &] export RHOME=/path/to/R/for/your/OS &] sudo gem install rsruby -- --with-R-dir=$R_HOME On Ubuntu &] sudo gem install rsruby -- --with-R-home=/usr/lib/R --with-R-include=/usr/share/R/include You may try to install it from source. Compile and install the Ruby library using setup.rb as shown. You need to supply the location of your R installation for the libR shared library. This will usually be the same as R_HOME. &] cd rsruby &] ruby setup.rb config -- --with-R-dir=/usr/lib/R &] ruby setup.rb setup &] sudo ruby setup.rb install You may test it &] ruby setup.rb test&] irb -rrsruby >> @R = RSRuby.instance >> @R.wilcox_test([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) >> foo = @R.as_data_frame(1)
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