A hand-picked bookmark collection of subjectively modern/interesting libraries/tools for Xamarin Android/iOS/WP libraries.
Inspired by awesome-dotnet
- AutoMapper - A convention-based object-object mapper in .NET
- Humanizer - Manipulation and displaying of strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
- Fluent Validation - Fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules
- Polly - Exception handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker
- Stateless - State Machines
- AsyncEx - A helper library for async/await.
- LinqToAwait - A Task-based LINQ designed to work with async/await
- Akavache - An Asynchronous Key-Value Store for Native Applications
- Massive - "wrapper" for your DB tables and uses System.Dynamic extensively
- SQLite.Net-PCL - SQLite 3 databases support, PCL, async
- Fody - Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies
- ReactiveUI.Fody - Generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties
- AutoDependencyProperty.Fody - Automatically generates DependencyProperty boilerplate from simple C# properties
- PropertyChanged.Fody - Injects INotifyPropertyChanged code into properties at compile time
- SimplyMobile - Collection of abstracted mobile functionalities
Game Engine
- CocosSharp - C# implementation of the Cocos2D and Cocos3D APIs
- MonoGame - Open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework
- Paradox - Paradox3D + Silicon Studio .NET
- Fast & Furious Image Loading - Xamarin library to load images quickly & easily
- NGraphics - Cross platform library for rendering vector graphics
- Splat - Cross platform image loading, colors and stuff
- EZ-Compress - A simple image stream compression plugin for Xamarin
- Autofac - An addictive .NET IoC container
- Ninject - The ninja of .net dependency injectors
- TinyIoC - Single-class easy IoC container
- LightInject - Light, simple and stunningly fast IoC container for .NET
- Vernacular - Cross Platform Localisation, tools to convert standard strings formats
- Resxible - tool to generate automatically several platform-dependent resource files from a single RESX file.
- Frameworks
- MVVMCross - Cross-platform mvvm mobile development framework
- Cheesebaron.MvxPlugins - A collection of plugins
- MvxAms - MVVMCross Azure Mobile Services plugin
- MvxForms - MVVMCross plugin for using Xamarin.Forms
- acrmvvmcross - Barcode, Device Info, IO, Network, Settings, Signature, User Dialogs
- ReactiveUI - Rx MVVM framework
- MVVMCross - Cross-platform mvvm mobile development framework
- Bind - Bind gives you easy two-way data binding between properties of objects.
- Fody/PropertyChanged - Injects INotifyPropertyChanged code into properties at compile time
- Flurl - Flurl is a modern, fluent, asynchronous, testable, portable, buzzword-laden URL builder and HTTP client library.
- Fusillade - set of HttpMessageHandlers that make your mobile applications more efficient and responsive
- ModernHttpClient - Accelerates HTTP requests by using mobile-optimized libs (NSURLSession / OkHttp)
- Push Notification - Simple cross platform plugin to handle push notification events such as registering, unregistering and messages arrival on Android and iOS.
- Reachability - Online/offline connected check
- Refit - The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
- RestEase - Refit on steroids, simpler auth, parsing...
- Sockets - An abstraction over the socket helper classes of .NET and WinRT
- PCLCrypto - Cryptography for portable class libraries (MD5,...)
- BoucyCastle.PCL PCL Version of BouncyCastle (Cryptography) targetting .NET, SL, WP and WinRT
- Newtonsoft.Json - Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- FluentAssertions - TDD/BDD fluent asserts
- NBehave - framework for Behaviour-Driven Development
- PushSharp - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!
- GradleBindings - Visual Studio extension, for referencing gradle libs in Android projects
- Resxible - tool to generate automatically several platform-dependent resource files from a single RESX file.
- Xamaridea - Visual Studio extension, opens *.axml files in Android Studio
- WormHoleSharp - Communication between Watch and iDevice
- Acr-xamarin-forms - Camera/Gallery, Barcode Scanning, User Dialogs, Geo-Location, Network Utils, Device Info, Settings, E-Mail, Phone, SMS all for Xamarin.Forms
- AdvancedTimer - Timer object and its methods are implemented for extended support for timers.
- Android AppCompat - Provide Material Design themes now for Xamarin.Forms apps natively without hacks
- Circle Image Control - Simple but elegant way of display circle images in your Xamarin.Forms projects
- Compass - Provides and simple way to access the compass on Windows Phone, iOS and Android from you Xamarin.Forms projects
- Device Orientation - Simple way to get device orientation or be notified of orientation changes in your Xamarin.Forms projects
- NControl - Xamarin.Forms control for NGraphics
- MvxForms - MVVMCross plugin for using Xamarin.Forms
- SolTech Xamarin Forms Toolkit - set of helpful extensions to the Xamarin Forms framework
- Store Rating Plugin - Rate app popup
- SVG - SVG file format support
- Toasts Plugin - A simple way of showing some notifications inside your Xamarin.Forms application
- TwinTechsFormsLib - FastCell, FastImage, FastGridCell
- Xamarin-Forms-Labs - Powerful and cross platform set of controls and helpers
- xamarin-forms-xna - Monogame wrapper for Xamarin.Forms
XPlat APIs
Most of them support Android and iOS, some do Windows Phone 8
- barcodes - A cross platform barcode scanning and creating library built on top of ZXing.Net.Mobile.
- biometrics - (Fingerprint Sensor) For Xamarin (iOS & Android)
- Calendars - Calendar API plugin for Xamarin and Windows Phone, Supports basic CRUD operations with calendars and events.
- Device Motion - Simple cross platform plugin to read motion vectors value for device motion sensors such as: Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Compass.
- HybridKit - Simple C# – JavaScript bridge for building hybrid iOS and Android apps.
- io - Access system folders and files using a familiar api mobile-optimized libs (NSURLSession / OkHttp)
- Lager - Cross-platform settings storage that uses Akavache as a storage backend
- Lamp - Simple way of controlling the lamp/LED on the back of your phone from Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms projects
- ManageSleep - Manage auto sleep / auto lock in all platforms. This is useful when dealing with long running processes
- Messaging - The Messaging plugin makes it possible to make a phone call, send a sms or send an e-mail using the default messaging applications on the different mobile platforms.
- ModernHttpClient - Accelerates HTTP requests by using
- notifications - Notifications plugin for Xamarin and Windows
- Reachability - Online/offline connected check
- Settings - Cross platform settings plugin for Xamarin and Windows
- Telephony - Email, sms, voice and video call functionality
- userdialogs - Standard user dialogs from a shared/portable library.
- Version - Get app version from bundle
- Xamarin.Badge - Simple cross platform plugin to work with application badge
- Xamarin.LocalNotifications - Simple cross platform plugin to work with mobile local notifications
- Xamarin.Mobile - Reading the user's address book and using the camera
- xamarin-plugins - Device Motion, Geofencing, Push Notifications (Beta)
- Xamarin.Plugins - Battery Status, Connectivity, Contacts, Device Information, Extended Maps, Geolocator, Media, Settings, Text To Speech, Vibrate, Circle Image for Xamarin.Forms
- Plugins for Xamarin - Here you will find a listing of cross platform Plugins for Xamarin that support Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, and Windows Platform from a single API.
To the extent possible under law, Benoit Jadinon has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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